Maintaining the Oral Hygiene is essential for the beautiful smile

Side-effects of bad oral hygiene may cause cavities, periodontitis, gingivitis, and the tooth loss. It is very important to maintain the healthy teeth and gums. Protecting them from germs require proper cleaning by following a healthy routine. Few simple steps to follow regularly - Correct brushing technique - A quick mouth-wash is not an appropriate way at all. There is a correct technique which needs to be followed. Using short back and forth strokes across the top and sides of the teeth including 45-degree brush angle to the gums. Vertically cleaning and use shorter strokes where the chances are high to builds up plaque. Twice a day - To get the clean teeth, it is always recommended to do brushing twice daily and minimum for two minutes. It is a really helpful step for the oral hygiene. Oral hygiene Select the right brush - The most important fact is to choose the correct one which has small bristles for easy reach into the crevices where...